I help writers get unstuck ... because being stuck is kind of terrible.


It's normal to get stuck in our writing. Normal, but still pretty agonizing. As a coach, consultant, and scholar of the psychology of writing, I work with beginning and struggling academics (and other writers) in figuring (and kicking) out the tomfoolery running amuck in our writing minds to make (and keep making) progress.



As a learning-and-feelings-ologist, I spend a whole lot of my time thinking about and studying writing and writers--especially all the psychological and emotional hurdles that get in the way of progress (anxiety, imposter syndrome, maladaptive perfectionism, sharks, clowns (not really sharks and clowns), and zillion other things).

A bit more about me >>

Check out my book!

Why Aren’t You Writing?: Research, Real Talk, Strategies, & Shenanigans describes research on how bright and otherwise fairly normal people lose their minds when it comes to writing, and then shows the reader how to stop being one of those people.

Check it out >>

Schedule an Event

Customizable talks, and half-day, full-day, and multi-day workshops/retreats on topics related to writing, motivation, feedback, and productivity to groups large and small.

Speaking events >>


Overcome with writer's block? Feeling overwhelmed with pressure to publish? Ready to graduate, but can't seem to finish (or begin!) your dissertation? Check out these resources to begin to untangle the stuck.

Unstuck resources >>


"This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard."  — Neil Gaiman
